Parent Teacher Association
Welcome to the Bangor Grammar School's PTA webpage. PTA Membership is open to parents of all boys attending the school.
The Parent Teacher Association is helping to:
- Promote co-operation between Parents and Teaching Staff
- Help improve the amenities of Bangor Grammar School
- Advance the prestige of the School and to help maintain a high standard of Grammar School education
We achieve these goals by:
- Working directly with and supporting the Teaching Staff to identify areas of much needed support
- Providing funds to support the purchase of non-budgeted items
- Sponsorship of special ties for Service to the School
- Presenting the Award for Good Citizenship, which will continue to promote community support and involvement by the pupils of Bangor Grammar School
In a typical year we organise a successful range of events and continue to raise funds for much needed (but non-budgetary) items for the school. Each year, the Parent Teacher Association sets itself a goal of providing assistance to the school, which will benefit as many pupils as possible. Over the last couple of years, we focused on providing a number of items in various departments, including:
Mathematics Dept. |
Contribution towards the Sparx assessment website. |
Art Department |
Purchase of large mobile display boards |
Rugby |
Purchase of four Intermediate size weighted tackle bags |
Moving Image Arts Dept. |
Purchase of wireless MC unit |
Modern Languages Dept. |
Contribution towards the cost of language competitions aimed at Year 10 linguistics. |
Pastoral Care Year 8 |
Printing of Positive Behaviour Postcards |
Whole School |
Printing of Study Skills Revision Guides |
Year 14 |
Contribution towards the purchase of new furniture in the Year 14 common room. |
Duke of Edinburgh |
Purchase of outdoor equipment to be used on expeditions. |
Horticulture Club |
Purchase of new greenhouse |
Even though we are in a relatively new school, we must remember that there are areas where the school may require some additional support. Therefore, the PTA, with the support of all parents, needs to be ready to help meet these needs as they develop.
Our activities and events
In recent years our Parent Teacher Association has organized a series of events throughout the academic year - Wine and Gin Tasting Events, Year 8 Disco (joint with Glenlola Collegiate School), a Quiz Night and second-hand uniform sales.
These events are successful for a number of reasons - from parents and friends attending, donation of raffle prizes and the support from local businesses.
Therefore, the Parent Teacher Association would like to express its thanks to all the parents, friends and supporters that attended the events throughout the year.
We always need your ideas and support
The events held by the Parent Teacher Association are a great way to make contact with other parents of new boys, which will provide each of us with mutual support for your son’s journey through Bangor Grammar School. The interest that all of you have shown over the years is very much appreciated, as the Parent Teacher Association strives to create a community of friends.
The Committee can organize a host of events through the year, but it is only through the support of the community of parents and friends that we will all achieve our targets. Therefore, please continue to come along with your friends and families to our events, and please help to spread the word of the work that we do.
Everyone is welcome.
If you do feel throughout the years that you would like to take a more active interest and become a member of the committee, please contact us via email and come along to one of our meetings, where we guarantee a warm welcome.
The main aim of the Parent Teacher Association is to achieve their goals through a community of supporters. With this in mind, we would ask that you consider the best way for you to support the activities of the association. This support may be provided by:
- Becoming a committee member
- Supporting events by either helping to organize or attend events
- Donating raffle prizes
The Parent Teacher Association is always looking for new members with fresh ideas.
As a Committee, we meet on the second Monday evening of each month at 7.30pm.
As a supporter, we would ask that you become actively involved by attending our events.
Even if you find that you cannot attend on the evening, you can support the events by donating raffles prizes. These prizes help us to raise funds through selling raffle tickets.
Come along to the events and bring your friends – the events are not just for parents. Your support, whatever form that may take, will be gratefully received.
Should you wish to join the committee, help organize or attend events, or donate raffle prizes, then please contact us via:
And finally, by supporting your son’s school’s Parent Teacher Association, you will be supporting your son’s school, and supporting your son.
Thank you!
Parent Teacher Association